Play improvements conduit to fun times!

A Tintwistle play area has re-opened following a £60,000 refurbishment project.
New, more challenging and fun play equipment and new surfacing have been installed at the Conduit Street site by High Peak Borough Council who worked in partnership with the Friends of Conduit Street.
The project was jointly funded by Veolia Environmental Trust, who provided £40,000, a Council contribution of £10,000 and a further £10,000 from Tesco's Bags of Help scheme which was secured by the Friends of Conduit Street.
Councillor John Haken, Executive Member for Operational Services, joined the local community to view the improvements.
He said: "I was delighted to join the children and the volunteers from the Friends of Conduit Street to celebrate the re-opening of this much improved play area.
"The group has worked hard to raise funds and involve everyone in these improvements and I'd like to thank them for their enthusiasm and commitment. I know these new facilities will be valued and enjoyed by the local community - and it's ready in time for the school summer holidays which is great news."