Tackling homelessness in High Peak

We all know the familiar sayings and phrases that celebrate the comfort we derive from our homes - but for people who find themselves homeless or threatened with homelessness they might sound a little hollow.
High Peak Borough Council is seeking to address that by helping those that find themselves in this situation and has launched a new Homelessness Strategy.
Councillor Julie McCabe, Executive Councillor for Housing and Communities, said: "Homelessness is not just about not having a roof over your head - the impacts on individuals, families and communities reach far wider and can affect health and wellbeing as well as education, employment and social opportunities.
"That is why the work we're doing is so important. We'll be working in partnership on a number of fronts to tackle all aspects of being without a home - from preventing people becoming homeless in the first place, to offering appropriate support services to those who find themselves in this situation and increasing the availability of affordable housing."
The Strategy sets out four key priorities aimed at:
Preventing homelessness through a comprehensive range of services - such as making sure people know the options open to them and a focus on addressing the main causes of homelessness
Ensuring suitable accommodation is available - by increasing the supply of affordable and maximising the use of existing housing
Improving the private rented sector - by working with landlords to improve and manage standards and delivering a 'call before you serve' pilot scheme to assist landlords experiencing issues with tenants
Ensuring sufficient support is available to address and prevent homelessness - by mitigating the impacts of welfare reform, including Universal Credit, through money, debt and budgeting support
The full Strategy is now available.