Name of Designated Neighbourhood Area: Chinley Buxworth and Brownside
Date of Designation: 21st July 2016
Map of Neighbourhood Area: download available below
Relevant body: Chinley Buxworth and Brownside Parish Council
Chinley Buxworth and Brownside Parish Council applied for a Neighbourhood Area Designation for the parish of Chinley Buxworth and Brownside. Applying for designation as a Neighbourhood Area means that the Parish Council is able to prepare a Community Right to Build Order to help deliver a new community centre to replace the existing building at Lower Lane, Chinley. The application consultation ran from 2nd June to 30th June 2016 and the Neighbourhood Area was designated on 21st July 2016.
Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council, working jointly with Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Community Association, are seeking to build a new community centre to replace the existing, wooden building at Lower Lane, Chinley and to improve the adjoining public recreation, children's play and car parking areas.
In April 2016, an asset transfer of the Community Centre was secured from Derbyshire County Council. A masterplan for the site and outline plans for a new community centre are being consulted on in advance of drawing up detailed plans and costings to support an application for a Community Right to Build Order.
Further information is available from the Parish Council website.