Published on 22 November 2021
Keeping town centres alive and vibrant across the High Peak is a priority for the Borough Council - and key to this is asking local people what they want to see as places develop and evolve.
High Peak Borough Council has commissioned NEMS Market Research to carry out telephone surveys with around 700 local residents to find out more about their shopping and leisure habits.
The responses will help shape the Council's future planning policies and strategies and with forecasting the future retail, leisure and commercial floor space between now and 2041.
Council Leader, Councillor Anthony Mckeown, said: "This survey will help us further understand the services and amenities our residents want to see in our town centres across the Borough.
"This information will in turn help shape future planning policies and strategies to help ensure our centres remain vibrant, thriving places to live in, work in and visit.
"So, if you do get a call from our researchers, we would be grateful if you would help us by responding to the questions. Thanks in advance to everyone who does, your answers will help to shape the future."
The survey is underway now and the results are expected by Spring next year when they will be published on the Council's website.