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Council sets budget for coming year

Published on 25 February 2022

High Peak Borough Council has set its budget for providing essential services at £11.8m for the coming year.

A Council Tax increase of £5 (2.50%) has also been agreed - setting Band D payments at £205.40 for 2022/23 which equates to a rise of less than ten pence per week.

As more than 70% of High Peak residents live in properties in Bands A, B or C, the average increase will be less than £5.

In recognition of the rise in fuel and the cost of living generally, the rent increase for Council tenants has been capped at 1.6% meaning average rents for the coming year will be £73.96 - an increase of £1.32 on last year.

The Borough Council collects Council Tax on behalf of the County Council, Police and Fire Authorities and town and parish councils but only spends 10% of the total.

Councillor Alan Barrow, Executive Councillor for Finance and Corporate Services, said: "When we're setting council tax and rent increases we are always mindful of what this will mean for our residents and we aim to keep any rises as low as possible.

"That's more important than ever now. The increasing cost of fuel and other living expenses is a concern which affects us all and none of us have escaped the impact Covid has had on our home and working lives over the last two years.

"Public services have been more important than ever during the pandemic and that will only continue, and grow, as we support our communities and businesses and we all learn to live with Covid as a fact of life.

"It's with all that in mind that we've agreed our budget for the next 12 months. People across the High Peak have a right to expect us to deliver high quality services and they can be assured that we will continue to take a pro-active approach to making sure we use all our resources efficiently and to best effect in delivering responsive and supportive public services to all our communities."

The funding is used to provide Council services including affordable housing, waste and recycling, street cleaning, leisure centres, parks and playgrounds development and maintenance, support for local businesses, crime prevention activities, benefits services and elections.

There's more information about Council Tax on our website where residents can also sign up for a 'My Council Tax' account online enabling them to:

·       View information at any time

·       change their method of payment

·       report a change of address or ownership

·       apply for single persons discount

·       help save paper and reduce costs by signing up for electronic bills and notifications

Last modified on 25 February 2022

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