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Have your say on Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan

Published on 19 May 2023

Members of the public are now invited to share their views on proposed planning policies in the Whaley Bridge Neighbourhood Plan which will help to shape future development in the town.

The draft Plan, submitted by Whaley Bridge Town Council, is wide-ranging and covers, amongst other themes, the town centre and economy; community facilities; residential development; heritage; the Peak Forest Canal, Transhipment Shed and canal basin; rural landscape and character; and transport and movement.

The Plan and associated documents, have been published on the Borough Council's website and comments are now being sought during the six-week consultation period which ends at midnight on Thursday 22 June.

Council Leader, Councillor Anthony Mckeown, said: "People from Whaley Bridge have shaped and developed the Neighbourhood Plan. It contains policies used when determining planning applications. The plans it contains have a tangible impact on how Whaley Bridge will develop in the future.

"That's why the Town and Borough Councils want to hear what people think of the draft Neighbourhood Plan for Whaley Bridge. All comments we receive will be sent to the Examiner for consideration at the public examination later this year. So please take a look at the documents and get involved."

As well as being available online, you can view paper copies of the Plan and associated documents during normal opening hours at:

·       Buxton Town Hall, Market Place, Buxton, SK17 6EL

·       Mechanics Institute, 27 Market Street, Whaley Bridge, SK23 7AA

·       Horwich End Post Office, Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge, SK23 7HX

·       Furness Vale Community Centre, Yeardsley Lane, Furness Vale, SK23 7PN

Comments can be made via the website; by email to; or by post to Planning Policy, High Peak Borough Council, Town Hall, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6EL.

Councillor Gordon Hall, Chair of Whaley Bridge Town Council, said: "We know that how our town develops really matters to the people who live and work here so we're encouraging everyone who is interested in its future to tell us what they think of what we're proposing.

"There are plenty of places to view the documents and ways to get in touch so please take this opportunity to help shape a community-led, shared vision for Whaley Bridge."

Comments and the names of the people submitting them will be publicly available. You can read our privacy notice, and find out more about how we use your data, at