Culture Strategy
Information about our culture strategy and how you can get involved.
High Peak Borough Council are developing a cultural strategy, which will set out a vision for how Arts, Heritage, and Culture will shape the lives and businesses of the High Peak by 2030. The strategy will contain an action plan with a roadmap of how to achieve this vision.
We want this plan to be shaped by the people who live in the High Peak of all backgrounds - from professional artists to those who haven't taken part in arts and culture, and everyone in between - we want to hear from you!
How Can I get Involved?
We will be asking for your input throughout this process. You can learn more about what we have planned in the "How We Will Develop The Strategy" document linked below. Keep an eye on the Cultural Strategy website page, and the Council's social media accounts to stay up to date on opportunities to get involved.
What Do We Mean By "Culture"?
In this strategy, we will use "culture" as a word to mean all creative and heritage activities, objects and buildings. Whether creativity or culture is part of your career, or something you do in your spare time, this includes you.
What's Included?
Arts, architecture, archaeology, books and literature, creative businesses and organisations, charities, crafts, design, film, galleries, heritage, history, libraries, museums, monuments, music, performance spaces, voluntary organisations, volunteers.
What's Not Included?
Sport, leisure centres, parks, practice of religion (although historic religious buildings would be included), food.
How Will The Strategy Be Created?
The strategy will be written over a one year period, and will consist of 8 key steps. You can read more about the 8 steps in the document linked below.