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The Constitution

The Constitution is divided into a number of sections which set out the basic rules governing our business.  These include detailed procedures and codes of practice.

Ethical Framework [129KB]

Code of Corporate Governance [261KB]

Table of Contents [306KB]

Part 1

Part 1 - Summary and Explanation [155KB]

Part 2

Part 2 - Articles of the Constitution  [181KB]

Part 3

Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions [414KB]

Part 4

Part 4 - Rules of Procedure Contents [10KB]

Part 4 - Council and Committee [116KB]

Part 4 - The Executive [125KB]

Part 4 - Select Committee [143KB]

Part 4 - Standards Committee [67KB]

Part 4 - Joint Consultative Committee [117KB]

Part 4 - Quarries Joint Liaison Committee [16KB]

Part 4 - Derbyshire T-Government Management Board [75KB]

Part 4 - Access to Information Rules [245KB]

Part 4 - Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules [8KB]

Part 4 - Financial Regulations and Procedure Rules [641KB]

Part 4 - Procurement Procedure Rules [402KB]

Part 4 - Officer Employment Procedure Rules [295KB]

Part 5

Part 5 - Codes and Protocols Contents [95KB]

Part 5 - Rights and Responsibilities - Member/Officer Protocols and Conventions [563KB]

Part 5 - Code of Conduct [212KB]

Part 5 - Bullying and Harrassment [42KB]

Part 5 - Protocol for Use of ICT [217KB]

Part 5 - Protocol on Land Use Planning Matters and Development Control Committee [191KB]

Part 5 - Media Policy and Protocol [471KB]

Part 5 - Code for Members on Outside Bodies [232KB]

Part 5 - Monitoring Officer Protocol [152KB]

Part 5 - Employee Code of Conduct [303KB]

Part 5 - Equalities Policy [171KB]

Part 5 - Nomination of Mayor Protocol [90KB]

Part 6

Part 6 - Members Allowances Scheme [143KB]

Part 7

Part 7 - Management Structure [275KB]