Published on 8 February 2021
The proposed sale of land at Hogshaw in Buxton for new homes, play facilities and open space has been announced by High Peak Borough Council.
The local housing requirement for High Peak, and the designation of the site at Hogshaw for new homes, is set out in the Borough's Local Plan which was adopted by the Council in April 2016 following extensive public consultation.
The Council has secured significant grant funding towards the Fairfield roundabout, which received planning permission last summer, to unlock the site for housing.
Hogshaw is in a combination of private and Council ownership and it needs to brought under a single ownership in order to deliver new homes and community amenities for existing and new residents.
The Council is now asking people to comment on its intention to sell the land it owns - which includes the open space known as Hogshaw Rec but does not include the allotments at Nunsfield Road which will remain in Council ownership.
Council Leader, Councillor Anthony Mckeown, said: "In 2018 the previous administration of the Council was successful in gaining funding from the Government's Housing Infrastructure Fund. This funding intends to open up sites at Hogshaw to the north of the A6 and Granby Road to the south by building a new roundabout and access roads.
"To secure this funding, in line with the housing numbers in the Local Plan and targets within the funding bid to Government, the Council has to enable the building of new housing at these sites. To put these proposals into action, the Council is now consulting people on its intention to sell this land to meet these requirements.
"If approved the land sale will be conditional on the submission of a planning application which must include information on suitable replacement open space and play facilities. Any application would also need to deal with the remediation of contaminated land at the Rec and drainage and flooding issues.
"I understand people will have comments about the proposed sale and you can share your views by completing a short online form on our website or by emailing or writing to the Council."
There's more information and a map showing the land proposed for sale on the website where you can also complete the online form
Alternatively, you can email or write to: Hogshaw Disposal Consultation, Asset Management, Buxton Town, Hall, Market Place, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6EL including your contact details, whether you support or object to the proposed sale and any other comments.
Responses should be received no later than Friday 26 February.