Currently Closed for New Applications
Applicants will be expected to work with Enterprise Support Alliance - email who have been appointed to assist enterprises with their business plans and advise on grant applications.
High Peak CVS can also provide advice and support.
Overview and Guidance
Grants for Investment in capacity building and infrastructure support for local Civil Society/Community Organisations.
The objective of this grant is to strengthen our social fabric and foster a sense of local pride and belonging, through investment in activities that enhance physical, cultural, and social ties and amenities, such as community infrastructure.
Example projects may include funding for improving or supporting new community buildings (village halls, libraries or community centres), kitchen improvements, building adaptations, improved accessibility and/or energy efficiency etc.
Grants are available between £2,000 - £40,000.
Grants are awarded at a maximum of 80% of the total project costs i.e. to achieve a maximum £40,000 grant, project costs would need to be in excess of £50,000 exclusive of VAT
All grant funding will be paid in arrears via claim process i.e. grant is claimed on completion of all works and evidence of paid invoices. Grants may be claimed in instalments on request.
Grants will be funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the Rural England Prosperity Fund as appropriate.