The new pension rules that came into effect on 6 April 2015 mean that people have more freedom over how they take money from their pension pot.
Who is affected by the changes?
These changes affect people who are:
- 55 or over, and
- have a pension based on how much has been paid into their pot a; defined contribution pension sometimes called 'Money Purchase Pension'.
What is Pension Wise?
The purpose of Pension Wise is to provide free independent and impartial guidance to people who are faced with these new choices. In particular people who aren't familiar with dealing with financial matters and pensions. They might be faced with decisions about amounts of money that they have never had to deal with before.
How can I access the service?
The service can be accessed through the Pension Wise website, The Pension Advisory Service (TPAS) or with a face to face meeting within a Citizens Advice Bureau office.