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Events in public places

The following sites can be used for events:

High Peak

  • Ashwood Park, Buxton
  • Pavilion Gardens, Buxton
  • Howard Park, Glossop
  • Manor Park, Glossop
  • Norfolk Square, Glossop 
  • Roughfields, Hadfield
  • Newshaw Lane, Hadfield
  • Bankswood Park, Hadfield
  • Memorial Park, Whaley Bridge

Other sites are also available.

To hold an event on council land we need the following notice periods:

  • up to 500 people: please submit your application at least three months before the date of the event
  • 501 to 2,999 people: please submit your application at least five months before the date of the event
  • 3,000+ people: please submit your application at least six months before the date of the event

Activities that are classed as higher risk will require longer than 16 weeks if a Derbyshire Events Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meeting is required.

You can find out more on the Derbyshire SAG by visiting

Security of your event

The threat from terrorism is real and increasingly unpredictable, with events, public spaces and crowded areas being an attractive target for a terrorist.  The current threat level from terrorism in the UK stands at 'SUBSTANTIAL' which means an attack is likely.  

Having effective planning in place can greatly reduce the likelihood of an attack, therefore you should consider what you can do to reduce and mitigate against the impact of such an attack. Martyns Law legislation will soon become a legal requirement which places the responsibility on event organisers to ensure they have suitable counter terrorism measures in place, these measures will vary according to how many people are attending the event and will apply for both indoor and outdoor events.

Protect UK offers support to evaluate and manage risk posed by terrorism.  ACT Awareness e-learning can increase your security awareness and help you counter terrorism.

Applying to hold an event

To apply to hold an event on our land you must send the following documents as part of your application.

  • a signed, dated and completed event application form
  • proof of current public liability insurance. Level of cover needed can be found in our guidance document [135KB] . If PLI (public liability insurance) is not yet in place, please provide a quote for the PLI. This demonstrates to us that you are aware of the need to have insurance and of the costs associated with it.
  • a comprehensive event risk assessment specific to the event is required for all events and should show that you have considered ALL risks associated with the event.
  • a site plan showing the location of activities, event infrastructure, emergency exits and entrances, first aid provision, lost children station, sale of alcohol, food vendors, use of generators for power supply, parking etc.

Depending up the nature and location of your event, you may be asked to provide the following:

  • a traffic management plan
  • other documents to cover activities and services carried out by third-party contractors e.g. entertainment, caterers, fair rides - these will also be required to provide proof of their own public liability insurance, their own risk assessments, have up-to-date qualifications and safety certificates, and proof of having passed a food hygiene inspection with a score of at least four if providing food.
  • proof that you have adequate First Aid cover in place i.e. a quote / booking confirmation from a certified medical provider. Certificates of qualification / training.
  • child or vulnerable persons protection policy or guidelines
  • evidence you have informed the emergency services of your intentions to hold an event, and consulted further where necessary i.e. email conversation.

If an event is close to a water course, river, canal or other, the event risk assessment should consider effective control measures to manage the risk

Appropriate Licenses

Please be aware that you may also need to apply for other licenses to hold your event.

Licensable activities include:

  • Sale or supply of alcohol
  • Provision of regulated entertainment - performance of a play, performance of live music, playing of recorded music, performance of dance, exhibition of a film or indoor sporting event
  • Provision of late night refreshment (that is the sale of hot food or drink at any time between 11pm - 5am)
  • street trading consent if you are trading at an outdoor event, market, festival etc.

Road Closures

Road Closure Orders are generally granted in respect of public events such as carnivals, festivals, spring fairs, street parties, marathons and rallies.

In addition to your event request application your road closure application should be submitted to the licensing department at least 12 weeks before the start of the event.

Fees and Charges

Your event may be subject to fees and charges, please see links below for current fees and charges - the event specific charges can be found in the Horticulture section.  Fees and charges apply to certain events being held in council parks or open spaces. If your event is given permission to take place on council owned land (parks and open spaces) you will be notified of any fees and charges associated with the booking and payment will be required at least 28 days before the date of the event, following an invoice being raised. The fee will be charged as of the date the event is due to take place.


A financial bond may be requested by the council prior to the event.  This bond will be used to cover any damage or loss to the venue. If no damage or loss is caused then the full bond will be returned after the event once a satisfactory site visit has been carried out.

The Council will not ordinarily permit events on car parks that requires them to be closed as they are an important facility for local business, residents and visitors.

Event organisers may wish to refer to the following links where you will find comprehensive information on running events safely.

Health and Safety Executive

The Purple Guide - The industry standard for events management

Derbyshire Prepared

If you are planning an event , large or small, please visit Managing an event | Derbyshire Local Resilience Forum ( where there is lots of advice to assist in planning and running an event safely.