Our climate change work
Since declaring a climate emergency the Council has taken a number of actions
How we are tackling emissions across the borough, Aiming Low : The road to net zero (PDF, 2 MB)
HPBC Climate Change Working Group
The Climate Change Working Group continues to meet to discuss and agree actions going forward in respect of a number of key themes including biodiversity, transport and travel, planning, Waste and Energy.
Since declaring a climate emergency the Council has taken a number of actions:
- The Council held its first Climate Change Summit which brought together a number of interested groups to highlight local issues and share ideas.
- Carbon Literacy Training was provided to Councillors and an agreement was negotiated for staff training to be provided by Keele University
- Climate Change Working Group has been established
- The collation of 'in-house' data commenced to establish a baseline from which to work from going forward
- We are working with community groups across the borough to mutually support initiatives to decrease the carbon emissions and to develop strategies to enhance biodiversity.
- Developed an action plan for the council to reach the 2030 net zero target (PDF, 1 MB)
- High Peak Climate Change Action Plan Part 2 (PDF, 2 MB) - What we can all do to help
A full Climate Change update report from February 2020 can be viewed here.
Climate Change Annual Report 2022 (PDF, 631 KB)
HPBC Climate Change Annual Report 2023 (PDF, 1 MB)

Last modified on 16 December 2024