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Register to vote

Information on registering to vote

Registering to vote

You need to be on the electoral register to be able to vote in local and national elections and referendums. Each individual is responsible for their own registration.

You can register to vote if you're:

  • 16 or older - although you can't vote until you're 18
  • a British citizen, qualifying Commonwealth, Irish or other European Union citizen living in the UK

The easiest way to register is online. You'll need to give your name, address, date of birth and national insurance number.

You can register to vote online at

Overseas Voters

From 16 January 2024 British citizens can register as overseas electors if they are currently living abroad regardless of when they left the UK provided they satisfy the previously registered or previously resident criteria.

If you were too young to register when you left the UK, you can still register as an overseas voter. 

You will need to provide:

  • the full name of a parent and your birth certificate which includes the parent's name and their date of birth or the full name of your guardian and evidence that confirms the person named was your guardian when you left the UK.

Adults with Disabilities

Residents with learning difficulties, physical disabilities and/or sensory impairments can be assisted to complete an online registration form by a:

  • relative
  • friend
  • or carer

You can register to vote online at

In certain circumstances the Electoral Services Team can assist residents to register over the phone.

Call 0345 129 4851 with your:

  • National Insurance number
  • Date of birth

Step-by-Step Easy Read Guide to Registering to Vote (PDF, 489 KB)

Our Privacy Notice

We use your personal information for electoral purposes and other limited, lawful purposes. Find out more in the document below.

Privacy Notice (PDF, 30 KB)

Last modified on 23 September 2024

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